Saturday, January 15, 2011


I hate days like this.  Days where nothing seems to go right and you just want to turn back the clock and start over.  Our day started with a walk at a local park with a friend.  We were supposed to meet her and her dog there at 9:00, and barely got out of the house by 9:10.  How embarrassing, we were 20 minutes late.

On the walk I took over 100 pictures of the dogs, our friend,  the snowy scenery, the kids, etc.   The kids got into a huge fight and could not keep their hands off each other and Bubba ended up giving Hannah a black eye. 

When we got home I started to download the pictures for our friend and I don't know what happened, but the pictures did not transfer and I had clicked the delete after downloading button and everything is gone, GONE!

I spent the morning trying to get the pictures back.  

After coming to the realization that my pictures were gone, I went to my craft space to work on valentines and finish some projects and my sewing machine broke.  Sam tracked mud and snow in the house.  By this time David said we all needed to go back to bed.

Sorry, no pictures to post.  Gone.

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