Friday, October 17, 2008

Just Getting Ready

Sorry that there is no real news here. Since the decision was made on Wednesday, we have been thinking and prepping for the move. We need to finish our bonus room project...D needs to make some doors...we need to caulk the master bathroom because it is kind of mildewy...and work the magic eraser until the doors and walls are sparkley. I have been painting (all touch up except the ceiling in the bonus room. The ceiling had basketball marks all over it from that blasted game that David bought the kids a few Christmases ago.) I have been taking the dangley beads down from H's closet and replacing the doors.
I went on Craigslist today and snagged our first set of moving boxes (free).
And I took all the crap out of both the kids closets and threw away two garbage bags of trash, one to the "store" at AWANA, one to goodwill, and put two bins in the attic.
Now for the other closets, painting and attic.

Thank you all for the wonderful kind words and prayers. I am very glad to be closer to everyone, at least by a few hours. We will be closer to my brother in Knoxville even. AND Dayton is a non-stop to my parents again. Wooohooo!

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