Monday, October 27, 2008

Beuller? Beuller? Anyone?

Yes, I survived Substitute Teaching '08. I came home unscathed. TO tell you the truth it was a little weird. First, the teacher was there (she had to drive the bus for a 5th grade field trip). Second, she did not have a lesson plan prepared until I sat down with her at 8:30 (school begins at 7:55, but her first class did not start until 8:53). Third, and I know that I am jinxing myself but here goes, I don't think I would ever choose to teach the 7th grade. Ever again. Ever. This particular teacher teaches Bible to the ENTIRE 7th grade at one time. Yes, I know that I am a wimp and when you ask how many 7th graders are in the entire school you will roll your eyes, there are 30 7th graders. Big whoop. But can you say disrespectful age?
I also taught two 4th grade Spanish classes, that were very easy considering I don't speak Spanish, a 6th grade Bible class that was a breeze (probably because I know all those kids and can call them by name) and finally a 7th and 8th grade enrichment speech class.
My favorite? Probably the speech class (with some of those same rotten kids) and surprisingly the Spanish classes. The speech class was very interesting because I felt like I contributed to actually teach and make them think about their assignments. I read over the speeches they were working on and gave suggestions and ideas. That was cool. Getting locked out of the classroom during speech class because they closed the door on me? Not so cool.

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