Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Just a post to take care of business (see the title for the southern pronunciation) and get caught back up so I can promise to be better and post every day again.

First, I can't post any of my projects because one of the three people that actually reads my blog is a recipient of something (no hints) so I am mums on projects until after Christmas.

Second, this has been the month/weeks of the health problems. My Mom has breast cancer (stage one) and had a very successful lump-ectomy, and will begin radiation soon. I was in the hospital because of an irregular and scary fast heart beat, which really stunk. And my Dad just keeps on getting bad news about his health. The most recent is a heart issue.

Third, my son is driving me crazy. His eating manners are atrocious. And I swear all I do is yell.

Fourth, our house has been on the market for 5 or weeks (lost track at this point) and we haven't had one single showing. I know the market sucks, but D moves to Ohio January 4th. Single parenting sucks.

Sixth, I am excited for Christmas. This season has been stress free (who da thunk it with the heart thingy) and I am very excited for our ski trip with my family.

Seventh, my son has a field trip this Friday. When mentioning my plans (to be on the field trip) to other parents at school they (every single one of them) have told me this is the worst trip for the school. We have to go to Jamestown (I've been 3 times) for the day. It is a 3.5 hour drive one way. We leave at 6:15 am and do not return until 10 pm. Every comment made about the trip is negative because of the drive, but as well the fact that Jamestown is outside and it is bitterly cold and wet. All day. Outside. Why do they schedule an outside field trip in DECEMBER? Originally D was scheduled to go with Bubba, but with the job change I told him I would go because D's last day at work is 12/24 and the clock is ticking on his experiments. I have done everything...bribe Bubba with a day at an amusement park...money...nothing works he wants to go. AND I paid hansomly for this silly trip back in October when I thought D was going. Hopefully one of us will get sick before Friday. Maybe I should go lick the cart handle at Target or something.

On a lighter note...here are a few pictures from the last week or so. H had a band concert and is showing off her Tammy Wynette curly hair-do and uniform and Bubba went to an (ALL GIRL) horseback riding birthday party. His first ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying that things will go your way and Friday will not be a nightmare. Also praying for the house to sell so you are not a single parent. Tell Hannah that Bailey says hi and have a good day.