Tuesday, October 9, 2012


My kids are hilarious.  So freaking hilarious that I love sharing stories with you about their antics.  Of coarse in my eyes, they are nobel prize winning comedians, if there were such a thing, but by your standards?  They are moderately funny.  Here are some of their antics from the last few days...

I L*O*V*E Diet Coke.  (No I am not a paid sponsor...oh to dream).  Yesterday we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch, since it was a holiday, and I acquired one of their styrofoam whale pails of Diet Coke for my drinking pleasure.  We eat lunch, I finish my drink, and like all great restaurants, Chick-fil-A gives free refills, so the kids and I stop on the way out the door to top off.   Into the car...stop at a store...back in the car...I absentmindedly pick up my drink and take a long pull while driving down the road.  It is then that I realize that Bubba has taken advantage of me and swapped drink holder positions with me so when I grab the drink closest to me I take a giant swallow of Cherry Coke.  This may not seem like a big deal to you, but when you are expecting Diet Coke, and have consumed nothing but Diet Coke for 43 years, and you get full sugar, cough syrup-like Cherry Coke...causes an eruption of carbonated beverage out ones' nose, spraying the inside of the car.  Much to the delight of your offspring.

Today we were driving to the soccer field.  Gasp.  I know.  It's not like I don't do this 4 or more days a week.  Anyway, on the way to the soccer field Bubba rolls down the window and I ask him to close it up since it's a little cool outside.  After arriving at the field and wedging myself between two parked vehicles I decide that I'm going to be social and sit on the sidelines with the common folk rather that sequester myself to the car with alcoholic beverages, like I've been known to do in the past.  I open the trunk, fish out a chair, grab the blankets and coats I need and walk around to the passenger side of the car to see what Bubba is going to do.  As I open the door I realize there is a GIANT loogie splattered along the passenger side of the car.   Without realizing that there is an open window and a man sitting in the vehicle next to me I say, "What the crap Sam?  There is a GIANT loogie on the outside of the car!"  The man next to me erupts in laughter as I continue with, "You're gross.  You know you are washing my car now, right?"  Sam gets out to take a look and says, "I guess I shouldn't have drank that big glass of milk before we left..."  much to the gentleman's delight.

Hannah's antics up next.

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