My daughter has to wear a knee length skirt to chapel every Monday, and if she wears a skirt to school it has to be at least knee length. This is a good thing, but a pain to find. Last week she tried to wear her denim skirt, but realized it was far too short for the dress code. So, after looking for days, I bought a $5.00 pair of jeans at Ross and ripped out the seams and made my own.

It worked so well that I took a pair of white corduroy high water pants of H's and made another. It took about 30 minutes...each skirt and was really easy. Start by ripping out (picking out the threads, NOT tearing or cutting material) the seam that runs along the inside of each thigh (don't rip out the seams on the parts of the leg you are cutting off, just cut the leg off at about where you want the hem + a few inches to save time). Next rip out the seam in front up to the zipper and in the back up to the base of the pockets. Keep the natural fold of the material, it is like having all your sewing prepped and ready to sew! The worst part is picking out and off threads, it makes a mess.

Then just play around with how you are going to lay the front and back so they are flat. I used the base of the leg (the part I cut off) for the gore (the V in the front and back). Pin it together and put some thread that matches the other stitching in the machine and go for it! My sister suggested a cute floral corduroy or something funky, but H wanted plain because she is wearing striped knee socks with it.
If you need further directions/help let me know!