My daughter turned 10 this weekend! Given that her birthday falls only days before Halloween, she was invited to a Halloween party on her birthday. At first she was disappointed, because she thought there was some cardinal rule about birthdays and that she couldn't go to the party because we would be monopolizing her time, but then after I assured her that since it was her birthday she got to decide what to do with her time. She choose party. Then it was a long drawn out drama as to what her costume should be. My lovely girl decided to go against the grain and make her costume (which I whole heartedly support) and transform herself into a troll doll...like the kind we had as kids where you rub them back and forth in your hands to make their hair crazy). That is her actual hair! There is a tennis ball under the ponytail to elevate it.
So my husband, parents and I dropped our kids off at the party and went out to dinner alone to celebrate her first decade of life. Now that is what I call easy birthday!